
Degenify is bringing a Spotify
Wrapped to your DeFi wallet

As well as a suite of other analytics tools to maximize and visualize your trading performance


Degenify aims to provide a personalized trading and analytics experience curated for YOU


  • A DeFi version of Spotify’s Wrapped feature
  • A videographic slideshow of your trading performance
  • View a connected wallet's history and performance within a selected timeframe. See how your trade performance stacks up against other Degenify users


  • A personalized dashboard of live pairs and curated ‘playlist’ of tokens that our experts believe fit your trading personality based on Wrapped
  • Safety checking, simulating, charting, and contract connection finding features


See personal performance measurements such as:

  • Your most profitable trades
  • Total profit
  • Your average hold time
  • Average number of trades per day
  • The amount of times you've been rugged
  • Total losses due to rugs
  • Exit liquidity score

Compare how your performance stacks up against other users

Share Wrapped with your friends to show-off gains and laugh at losses


  • Explore curated token ‘playlists’ sorted by genre, such as:
    • Memes
    • Utility
    • Passive income
    • LARP
  • Create your own token playlists:
    • Track your portfolio
    • Watch performance
  • View charts and transactions at lightning speeds
    • Easily find contract connections of new pairs
    • Manual contract safety checking (available Mid-Q2)


Degenify will offer competitive staking rates to power the leaderboard and comparative functionality of Wrapped and Dashboard

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  • Late Q4 2022/ Early Q1 2023:

    • Degenify Wrapped UX design begins
    • Development of the Degenify Wrapped back-end begins
    • Development of the Degenify Dashboard begins
  • Late Q1:

    • Integration and testing of Wrapped begins
    • Invitation-only beta testing
    • Professional web development of landing page begins
    • Author whitepaper outlining the Degenify Tech
  • Early Q2:

    • Finish Dashboard development
    • Complete landing page
    • Initial promotion of the $DeFy Token begins
    • Release whitepaper
    • Launch $DeFy token with staking and Wrapped available same day
    • Use Wrapped as promotional tool for Dashboard
    • Launch Degenify Dashboard within a week of Wrapped release
    • Seek CEX listings

Tokenomics and Launch Details

1000000 Token Supply
4/4 Token Tax
20000/20,000 $DeFy Max Wallet/Max Transaction
?? Launch Date